LANGUOROUSLY - ترجمة إلى العربية
قاموس على الإنترنت

LANGUOROUSLY - ترجمة إلى العربية



إِجْهاد ; إِرْهاق ; إِعْياء ; أَوَد ; اِرْتِخاء ; بُطْء ; تَبَاطُؤ ; تَثَاقُل ; تَخَاذُل ; تَعَب ; تَكَاسُل ; تَلَكُّؤ ; تَوَانٍ ; ثَقَالَة ; ثِقَل ; حَسَر ; خُمُول ; خَوَر ; رَكَاكَة ; ضَعْف ; ضِعْف ; ضُمُور ; ضَنًى ; عَجْز ; عَنَاء ; عَيَاء ; عِيّ ; قُصُور ; كَدْح ; كَلَالَة ; كَلَل ; لَأْي ; لُغُوب ; مَنْصَبَة ; نَصَب ; نَهْكَة ; هُزَال ; هَلْس ; وَصَب ; وَهَن ; وَهْن

باعث على الوهن      


أَهْيَف ; خَرِع ; خَرِيع ; سَقِيم ; ضاوٍ ; ضَعِيف ; عَاجِز ; عَلِيل ; عَيَّان ; كَلِيل ; مُتَخَاذِل ; مُرْهَق ; مُسْتَضْعَف ; مُضْنًى ; مُعَوَّق ; مُقْعَد ; مَمْنُون ; نَحِيف ; نَحِيل ; هَبِيط ; هَزِيل ; وانٍ ; واهٍ ; واهِن

أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. As it does so, sun time, the only time our Egyptian forebears got out of bed for, is having to stretch languorously to fill its seconds.
2. And inside, the place was full of these wonderful freaks." Antony Hegarty, who graced the stage at Mother more times than he cares to remember, is a little less effusive: "It was okay; it was all right," he interrupts languorously.
3. Her face, once languorously beautiful beneath a sweep of dark hair, is now fringed by a silver-grey bob, from under which her still-penetrating blue-grey eyes stare out uncertainly.
4. Her face, once languorously beautiful beneath a sweep of dark hair, is now fringed by a silver–grey bob, from under which her still–penetrating blue–grey eyes stare out uncertainly.